We can't always choose the way our lives go or who we have in it. I'd like to think that the way each of our stories plays out is the way it's supposed to be. That everything is a test that hopefully each one of us will learn from and take with us in the next life. But what if we don't? What if we make the wrong choice repeatedly? Are we forgiven for that? And what about if we do make the right choices but a week later we are given the same test and get it wrong? How many times can a person be forgiven before they aren't? Do you think that after awhile God just shakes his head in disappointment and throws his hands up in the air? I've been trying so hard to contain my composure when people have wronged me over and over again. God would want me to. But a person can only take so much until they snap. And today I snapped. For years I've been last on their list and even though I knew what was going on I still kept that facade on and played nice. Because I figured eventually karma would come back full circle. And it has to an extent, but not without me dealing with the bullshit along the way. People in my life who have tried to talk me down and pull me into their misery, the biggest hypocrites of them all. People that are as fake as they come, grimy to no end, sinning every day but claiming to be doing right by God. I can't stand all the ugliness in the world. It sickens me. So today, I finally spoke my mind and eliminated some of those toxic people from my life. Those who claimed to love me only loved when I was miserable with them. But I refuse to wallow in their self-pity one more day. Im over it and done with it all. Tomorrow Im gonna get up with a smile on my face knowing that I made the right decision. And yes I may be lonely for a while but I don't care. Because I know that even though the words I said may have been cruel, God is looking down on me smiling and saying to me, "Atta girl...it's about time."