Friday, April 03, 2020


          So the last few days have been pure hell for me. This damn virus is nearly taking the whole damn nation out. I'm pissed at myself because I'm not where I should be. I should be up north with my boys. Holding them tight and telling them everything will be okay. But yet here I am, stuck, and inside I'm ripping myself a new asshole. Like really? What kind of mother is not with her children when the world crashes down around them? I've tried to reach out like I always do but of course I got no response. But I mean hey, can you blame them? I sure can't. But I've decided that since I can't be with them, and they hate my guts I got to do something to satisfy my motherly instinct and late developing nurturing ways. My mother used to always tell me, "Aprel, you can't save the world." Well mom, if you happen to read this I'm going to try. (P.S. I hope everyone is healthy there.) Anyway, last night I read a thing on the PA gov website asking for help. That even retirees from the medical field can get reinstated for free, to help in the fight against the coronavirus. So that my amigos is exactly what I'm trying to do. I contacted the PA board of nursing to see about getting my LPN license active once again. Just for this. I'm also going to contact the Florida board and see what kind of options I may have. Hold on to your hats folks, Dah's going back out to help kick ass.


      I haven’t been able to speak of it until now. What happened the end of August was probably on my top ten of hardest things I’ve had to...

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