Sunday, May 03, 2020


     I'm still trying to figure out one simple thing... Am I crazy or just downright stupid? Or could I be both. Most people that are crazy are brilliant, and all people stupid pretty much remain that way. So what about me? Where would I fit? I have brains like no other but in every other aspect, stupid. Without saying too much I will say this, I'm tired of giving in. And tired of feeling and being treated like I'm five. And even more tired of having a kind heart. I'm so over it. I just want to run. I bet if I jumped in my car and took off no one would even know I was gone. Until they needed me that is. Aprel do this, Aprel do that, help me with this, take care of that. It's ridiculous. I've totally taken my focus off of what matters most, my well-being. Life isn't easy I know but this is taking it to a whole other level. Nobody stops to think of me, and how I feel, just what else I can do to make their lives easier while my life falls apart? Nobody stops to realize that I'm seconds away from my breaking point. Or they do, but they just don't give two shits. Yeah, I think it's gotta be that one. I'm expected to play superman and save the world when in all reality, I can't even save myself.


      I haven’t been able to speak of it until now. What happened the end of August was probably on my top ten of hardest things I’ve had to...

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