Monday, August 17, 2020


If I had to describe my life in two words I'd have no trouble finding them. Soap Opera. My life is literally like a soap opera. Very few days anymore are calm, something crazy is always going on. Like now for example. The love of my life decided yet again to act first and think later, leaving me alone, yet again, seeking revenge because I pissed in his Cheerios. And now, just like before, and before that, somehow he managed to get himself in a pickle and is unable to get away from the duck looking hoe he chose this time. I'm sure the only thing you're wondering is why I put up with such craziness, allowing him back in my home and back in my bed. Well the answer for me is quite simple. Because I love him. And I'm hoping that one of these times when he returns home with his tail between his legs begging for me to take him back like now it'll finally sink in. That he's never gonna find anyone in this world that loves him more than me. For now though, I'm gonna have to be patient, tolerate him sneaking in and out of my slider and hope for the best. Wait out the storm and wait till he has enough guts to tell her that he wants to go home. 

Wednesday, August 05, 2020


        It's been awhile since I've pulled out the old laptop to do some writing. And I have to say I missed it. My life has been a whirlwind the last few weeks, breaking up with a certain person because I caught him cheating again and now stuck in the house sick as a dog possibly having Covid-19. I'm patiently waiting for the results to come in but every symptom I have. So I'm going to say there's a big possibility. Especially since myself along with others were exposed to it and not informed that we were until there were already six cases there. Unbelievable. I don't know for the life of me how someone could disregard another persons' life. Anyway, so here I sit stuck in the house alone with my dog day in and day out. I'm ready to climb the walls. Its getting that bad. I started a second book which I'm happy to announce, and saving money for the editing of the first one, so I can get that moving along. Once the editing is done hopefully I will have the approval of the interested agency and I can get it finally published. Fingers crossed.  
        As for my breakup, tomorrow I'll put that down into words. But for now, I'm going to say farewell and take a nap. This shit is no joke and I'm exhausted.

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