Monday, January 25, 2021


    Life is messy, life is painful. We don't always like the cards we are dealt with but we have to play them anyway. We are all given choices in life, which ones we choose to take are on us. Our whole lives we are faced with the tests that God has given us. But we never know when they are in fact tests or if we passed them. We won't find that out until our journey on Earth is over.

    And there are periods in our lives that we'd much rather forget when we choose one of those wrong choices and have to suffer the consequences. And this folks would be karma giving it to us right up the ass with no lube and us having to take it because that's just how it works. And after karma is done with us we have two choices. 1) Crawl inside our bubbles like little bitches feeling sorry for ourselves (like I did for so many years), or 2) Stand up, rub our asses and look karma straight in the eyes and ask it if that's the best it got. And as we turn around to walk away laughing, we tell karma to go fuck itself.

     And for a short time, we are victorious until that day when karma returns for a visit after another bad choice is made. And it will happen again, this I know for sure because that's how life is. Messy and painful.


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