He answered quickly which was unusual for him the last few weeks. I knew right then something was wrong and once again he needed me to save him in one way or another. When he said hello my response was simple, "Okay, what trouble did you get yourself into now?" "Aprel, I need you to call me an uber to come home." I didn't understand until he proceeded to tell me that his flame had left him outside an apartment for lord knows how long while she was inside doing god knows what. He said he left her there and drove to a Circle K to have me uber him home, leaving her keys under the seat and texting her the info. I should have known. She must have disrespected him by leaving him in the car and disrespect is one thing that is a big no-no for him. Even though it's okay for him to do it to others. It being done to him is a total deal-breaker. Me, being the sap that I am and loving him for what I don't know, I asked him which Circle K he was at and sent him an Uber. I still didn't know what I was going to say to him or what to even do.