Sunday, November 24, 2019


     Funny how things can end up in life. People that make such a difference to the world in whatever case it may be pass away and eventually they are forgotten about only being a distant memory. People that you once loved end up being your worst enemy and vice versa. And how about family? Ones that you spent every waking moment with are all of the sudden too busy to pick up a phone or shoot a text to say hello. I am guilty myself of being too busy with things that don't really matter. I forget to remember to tell the ones that matter the most that I'm thinking of them, even just by saying hello. Society is so much different now even than it was ten years ago. People didn't respond to others with a text, they called them or went to visit. But now we all forget the things that matter most in our lives and dwell on the things that really don't matter in the long run. The world is so ugly and full of greed. I just have to wonder if God is shaking his head in disappointment, watching all of us. He started everything over once, I wonder if he's planning to have another go at it.. And no, this isn't me being pessimistic, it's reality. I'm not sure what happened to all of us, how the world got so ugly, but it has. People used to be nice to one another, helping others in any way possible. Now most would just walk past a homeless person cold and begging for food, not giving him a second thought. But that's what's accepted nowadays, that's society. And what about judgement? If a person isnt judged for one thing they will surely be judged for something else. For example, in my case mental health. Back when I was a teenager and trying to figure out why I was how I was, there wasnt a day that I didnt get made fun of. But that was for one reason and one reason only. Because mental health was kept hush hush. People really were uneducated when it came to the disease. So therefore, they didn't understand it.  They treated it like a disease that meant you were downright crazy and belonged in a insane isalym. And the funny thing about that is most of those people had mental health disorders themselves, just undiagnosed.. In the case of mental health, its the opposite now. People were ugly towards it back then but dont give it a second thought now negatively. I really thought when I started this blog a year ago that I would be ridiculed and laughed at. But honestly its been the opposite. And although its surprising its comforting just the same. Now my question to you is, if a person can treat a person with bipolar no different than anyone else, then why are we afraid to acknowledge that homeless person who just wanted a warm blanket and warm meal? I'll never understand people. But maybe I'm not meant to. Only God knows that for sure.

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